CQC Page

We can do better!

CQC have rated the service as Inadequate

Whilst we are of course disappointed with this rating from the Care Quality Commission, we know what action needs to be taken to get our practice back to where it needs to be and are addressing these issues as a matter of urgency.  CQC set clear standards for our service of being Safe, Effective, Caring, Well-led and Responsive to people's needs.  


We want to reassure our patients across our three sites that their safe care and treatment remains our number one priority, and this is a view shared by all members of the team at Patford House Partnership.  

CQC Said - We Did


We strongly believe in having a two-way dialogue with the people who use our services, and would encourage any person with concerns about their care to contact us directly using our dedicated e-mail address bswccg.php-complaints@nhs.net.  We review feedback from the National Patient Survey, our friends and family test and reviews on Iwantgreatcare and NHS Choices.  We are working with our Patient Participation Group to help improve our services and respond to patient feedback and have produced this survey - let us know what matters to you!

  • Our Recent Inspection

    We've recently been reinspected against the warning notices which were issued and we were happy that CQC could see evidence of the improvements we have made.  See for yourself here

    CQC Report
  • Our PPG

    How our Patient Participation Group are helping our patients express their views

    PPG Survey
  • We are listening!

    Tell us what you think about our services using our Friends and Family test.

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