Patient Information


We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile and to your highest level of satisfaction. 

Complaints Brochure

Click here for all the information you will need regarding raising a complaint.

To raise a complaint you may also email

Infection Control Annual Statement

Please click the icon above to view our Infection Control Statement Report

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Patient choice
Patient choice
Since 1 April 2008, you have the right to choose the hospital you want to be treated at.

A dramatic expansion of patient choice in the NHS got under way in April 2008.

Surveys have consistently shown that patients want choice. The 2005 British Social Attitudes survey revealed that 65% of patients said they wanted choice of treatment, 63% wanted a choice of hospital and 53% welcomed a choice of appointment time. 

The introduction of free choice means that patients referred to see a specialist can choose where they will be treated. They can choose from any hospital that meets NHS standards.

Under free choice, if you and your GP decide that you need to see a specialist, you'll be able to choose the hospital that best suits your needs. This is provided by a Choose and Booking service, where the patient has the option to book their own appointment at a hospital of their choice and with a range of appointments at their convenience. Your GP may also decide to refer you to a specialist referral service with a dedicated service advisor who can guide you through the most appropriate hospital to meet your personal needs. 

Should you have any questions, please get in touch with us. We'll be happy to help. Contact Reception at  



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Are you a Carer?

We support Carers you can go here for more info......

How Do I order medication

you can order medications via your online services:

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